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Phone: (760) 776-1600Address: 73555 San Gorgonio Way, Palm Desert, CA 92260Business Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm M-F
Peter SturgeonPresident and Chief Executive Officerpsturgeon@jfkfoundation.org Ext. 122
Dr. Elizabeth BarnwellProgram Directorlbarnwell@jfkfoundation.org Ext. 108
Angela MunozDirector of Education and Outreachamunoz@jfkfoundation.org|Ext. 120
Kippy LaflameDirector of Engagementklaflame@jfkfoundation.org Ext 123
Diane MonroeDevelopment Directordmonroe@jfkfoundation.org Ext 123