Ophelia Impact From 2023-2024

It was another successful and busy year for our Ophelia Girls, mentors, volunteers and guest speakers. Here are just some of the highlights:

  • 3 more schools were added to the program for a total of 17.
  • 73 trained female volunteer mentors.
  • 402 Ophelia Girls from 8th to 12th grade.
  • Mentors helped their girls become mentally, emotionally and physically stronger while at the same time teaching soft skills like SMART Goal Setting, Prevention of Cyber Bullying, Self-Care and Confidence.
  • Ophelia’s Ambassador Leadership Council grew from 15 last year to 25 this year.
  • The Ambassadors took leadership roles in 9 Community events this year.
  • 31 Seniors applied for scholarship support.
  • All received a scholarship of at least a $1,000.
  •  4 received an annual renewable scholarship of $4,000.
  • 1 received a Scholarship for $5,000.
  •  2 very deserving girls received life-changing four-year, full ride scholarships to their choice of a California university!
  • More scholarship monies were awarded this year than ever before in our 26year history.
  • 100% of Ophelia Girls will graduate high school.
  • 3.69 is average GPA of our seniors.
  • 17 had a GPA of 4.0 or better.
  • 5 of the girls are ranked in the top 10 of their school.
  • 10 Ophelia Girls are ranked in the top 10 of their school.

Over half of the seniors have been an Ophelia Girls for 4 years or more. This is the power of mentoring, support and leadership at work.

You Can Change Lives
 Your generous support will provide Ophelia Girls with: trained and certified Ophelia Mentors who will serve as their guide and assist them with setting education and career goals and taking the steps to realize them; professional presenters from the local business community who provide life skills classroom presentations and share their professional expertise to make a positive difference in Ophelia girls’ lives; program supplies; Ophelia curriculum; session materials and handouts; transportation for educational field trips; and the required program administrative infrastructure to ensure model fidelity in all schools.

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